Soak Before You Cook

By - Yuvraj 

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Unlocking The Benefits of Soaking Food

Soaking can reduce anti-nutrients, improve digestibility, and enhance the flavor and texture of food

Why Soaking?

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Soaking beans, lentils, and peas reduces cooking time and helps eliminate substances that can cause digestive discomfort


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Soaking nuts and seeds like almonds and pumpkin seeds helps to neutralize enzyme inhibitors and activate beneficial enzyme

Nuts and Seed

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Soaking rice before cooking can remove some of the naturally-occurring arsenic and reduce cooking time


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Soaking potatoes before frying can reduce levels of acrylamide, a potentially harmful compound that can form when potatoes are fried at high temperature


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Soaking oats overnight can make them easier to digest and improve nutrient absorption


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Soaking dried fruits like raisins, apricots, and prunes before eating can enhance their digestibility and nutrient availability

Dried Fruit

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Soaking mangoes before eating makes them easier to peel and enhances their sweetne


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Soaking can be a simple yet effective step in your cooking process. Try it out with your next meal!

Soak It Up!

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